Glow elastiese troeteldier hond kat speelgoedbal

Interactive training toy ball for pet dogs

Deel hierdie plasing

  1. Interesting flash: The ball will glow when it be hit, and lasts 10 seconds, which will attract the attention of the dog. Even in the dark, your dog could play with the flashing ball happily as the flashing could tell the dog where it is.
  2. Healthy material: Non-toxic materials make your beloved dog healthier. High elasticity: High elastic dog ball can let the cranky dog keep chasing, not only let the dog happy exercise, but also train the agility of dogs, which let the dog more handsome and lovely.
  3. Duursaam: The pet ball is made of high quality silicone material, which is durable and could play with your pet for a long time. Bright colors: Chromatic ball can attract the attention of the pet better. It’s a beautiful gift for your lovely pet.

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