What’s wrong with the cat trembling all over?

The trembling of the cat may be caused by these three reasons.

This is a major confusion for us as cat slaves. We may think that they are caused by fear or cold. But in fact, this issue may be even more complex.

Firstly, let’s talk about the issue of fear. Cats may experience physical tremors due to being afraid of strangers, loud music, or other unexpected events in your home. In this situation, the cat’s body will experience alight or flightreaction, leading to symptoms of epilepsy in the body. If your cat experiences this reaction when encountering these situations, you should promptly comfort them and provide them with a safe and quiet environment.

2.fall ill
On the other hand, the trembling of catsbodies may also be due to their illness. Health issues such as low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and low body temperature can all lead to trembling symptoms in cats. If you find a cat trembling for a long time, you should take it to the veterinarian in a timely manner. በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ, you need to confirm if your cat shows signs of hypothermia. If so, you can wear long sleeved clothes and provide a warm and comfortable environment for him.

ቢሆንም, not all cats tremble for a bad reason. Some cats tremble with excitement when playing, playing coquettishly, or getting their favorite snacks. In this situation, you don’t need to worry too much, just give him enough physical contact, attention, and love, so that he can feel your care, and gradually reduce his trembling.

In short, if your cat is trembling all over, you need to carefully observe his condition and provide corresponding measures based on his condition. Only when we know the reason why cats tremble can we help them recover their health and peace of mind as soon as possible.


ተጨማሪ ልጥፎች

የድመት ጥፍሮች

ድመት መዳፎቹን ስትነካ ምን ያስባል??

1、 በጎ ፈቃድን እያሳየኸኝ ነው ድመቶች የሰዎችን ስሜት እና የባህርይ ፍላጎት ሊገነዘቡ የሚችሉ በጣም ስሜታዊ እንስሳት ናቸው።. የድመት መዳፍ በንቃት ሲነኩ, ውስጥ


የጠፋ ውሻ በራሱ ተመልሶ ይመጣል??

ውሾች ወደ ቤት የመመለስ ተፈጥሯዊ ስሜት አላቸው።. ይህ በደመ ነፍስ ከቤታቸው ከወጡ በኋላ ወደ ቤታቸው የሚሄዱበትን መንገድ ለማግኘት እንዲሞክሩ ይገፋፋቸዋል።. በተለይ ለ

ፈጣን ጥቅስ ያግኙ

ውስጥ ምላሽ እንሰጣለን 12 ሰዓታት, እባክዎን ከቅጥያው ጋር ለኢሜል ትኩረት ይስጡ "@shinee-pet.com".

እንዲሁም, ወደ መሄድ ይችላሉ የእውቂያ ገጽ, የበለጠ ዝርዝር ቅጽ ያቀርባል, ለምርቶች ተጨማሪ ጥያቄዎች ካሉዎት ወይም ተጨማሪ የቤት እንስሳት ምርት ድብልቅ ማግኘት ከፈለጉ.

የውሂብ ጥበቃ

የውሂብ ጥበቃ ህጎችን ለማክበር, በብቅ-ባይ ውስጥ ያሉትን ቁልፍ ነጥቦች እንድትገመግም እንጠይቅሃለን።. የእኛን ድረ-ገጽ መጠቀም ለመቀጠል, ተቀበል የሚለውን ጠቅ ማድረግ ያስፈልግዎታል & ገጠመ'. ስለ እኛ የግላዊነት ፖሊሲ የበለጠ ማንበብ ትችላለህ. የእርስዎን ስምምነት እንመዘግባለን እና ወደ የግላዊነት መመሪያችን በመሄድ እና መግብርን ጠቅ በማድረግ መርጠው መውጣት ይችላሉ።.