Estora gran antilliscant i impermeable per a gossos amb funció d'absorció ràpida, reutilitzable


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Quick absorbent and hold 8 cups( 68 oz ) of liquid ; top layer light grey colour covers any stains that might be on the pee pads ,no leak through or smell,prevents tracking,keep puppies dry all the night
Upgraded non slip rubber backing maximizes doggy potty pads stay on bed or floor, puppies crawl more easier; just throw into the washer wash warm and tumble dry in low heat or hang dry, sanitary, stain free and good as new
Washable and reusable 300 of times,a must for any kind of housebreaking school for puppies or senior dog; an excellent economic and environmental, beats buying endless bags of disposable pee pads
Multiple usage scenarios
Extra large dog pads 72x 72perfect for whelping box 5′x 5′ & training puppies pee in dog playpen or assisting incontinence elderly dogs,great protection for bed,sofa, mobles,floor,catifa,car seat; ultra waterproof also be used as a floor protectors underneath the water bowl
After puppies potty training through pet pee pads ,we will feel relieved leaving doggie alone at home while us work.Even for 24 hores, floor still remain clean up.We just sell whelping pad not including cage

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