Rocódrom de sisal de materials de primera qualitat

Premium Materials Cat Scratching Post

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  1. 22 Inch Cat Scratching Post: This cat scratch post tree stands at 22high with a base that 11.8″ quadrat, designed for all size cats from kitten to adults, except huge ones. The cat claw scratcher will provide your cats a playground and its their own scratching space.
  2. Unique & Cute Design: Cat sisal scratch post is covered with grey and white, content with a plush ball, which makes the post more attractive to cats. The toy ball will lead full stretch for cats, perfect for claw scratch.
  3. Premium Materials: This scratching post tree is made of natural wood and wrapped with natural sisal, which is natural, eco-friendly, very safe and healthy for both people and cats.
  4. Durable & Compact: Cat scratching post tree is a perfect choice to keeping your cats away from scratching your furniture. The cat scratch post carpet is safe and stable, avoid tipping and wobbling, provides stability.

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