Pilota de joguina amb ventosa per a gossos

Dog interactive chewing suction cup tug toys

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  1. Quality Material: Pet puzzle suction cup toys is Made of natural TPR materials, environmental friendly, safe and harmless. The sturdy rope is made of high-density material durable and wear-resistant. Indestructible.
  2. Upgraded Suction Cup: Dog interactive chewing suction cup tug toys is equip with strong suction cup more firmly adsorbed.It can work better on a tile, floor, glass and other smooth surfaces with strong suction, please not to use it on matte wooden floors, dusty walls and concrete surface.
  3. Excellent Design: Built-in bell and food leaking will attract the dog’s interest and increase the interactive taste effectively. This pet toy will help dogs Kill boring time, relieve the anxiety and stress, as well discourage destructive behavior.
  4. Healthy Teeth Cleaning: Equipped with rubber granular cleaner and a double-layered sharp tooth cleaning structure, along with the durable materials, this dog teeth cleaning pet tug toy helps your dogs rub off the tartar & plaque while they are playing happily. Make your dogs get rid of the poor oral hygiene and establish healthy bite habit. Great function!

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