Bottiglia d'acqua per cani portatile per animali domestici, 12 OZ, Dispenser d'acqua per cuccioli a prova di fughe cù alimentatore per animali domestici, Escursioni


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[Culore & Taglia]: Blu marinu, 12 fl oz (350ml), sta taglia seria adattata per i cani di taglia chjuca è mediana, or if you just take your puppy for a short walk.

[Funzione]: Designed with silica gel seal ring which can prevent water leakage efficiently. One-key lock further make sure the water doesn’t leak. It’s LEAK-PROOF guaranteed. You can put it in your backpack without worrying about its leaking.

[Convenient to Carry]: Enough capacity and compact water bottle design is great for your pet dog or cat when outdoor walking, running, hiking, traveling or playing, etc. You can put it into backpack or hang on your hand with sling rope, very easy to carry to anywhere you want.

[Easy to Use]: One-key Open / Lock water, One-hand operation, open the lock key, press water key to fill water, release to stop water, very easy to feed your dogs. Unused water can go back into the container easily by pressing the water key.

[Sicuru & Durable Materials]: Made of high quality material, LEAD-free, BPA-free, safe and durable, easy dismantling and cleaning. Enjoy the safe and funny outdoor act with your pet.

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