Hot selling super absorbent dog shower towel

Unique design pet shower towel

Kunhavigu Ĉi tiun Afiŝon

  1. Obvious Quality – Seka hunda mantuko estas farita el 3cm da mikrofibra ĉenilo, kiu estas super mola, super absorbent and muddy; it can soaks up and holds up to 20x its weight in water, which solves the dog’s crazy shaking behavior after playing in the water.
  2. Super Absorption – Malpura hunda mantuko el supersorba ĉenila materialo povas sekigi vian hundon 8 fojojn pli rapide ol tipa kotona mantuko.; “noodlefiber massages the puppy’s body, making it willing to wait for you at the door to wipe muddy paws.
  3. Unique DesignConvenient hand pockets with elastic opening design, which perfectly wraps your hands, provides excellent grip when drying the abdomen, chest and paws of pets of various sizes, complete all over drying and preventswet doggysmell.
  4. Use ScenariosThe dog towel is packaged in a reusable packaging bag, It is a perfect gift for pet owner; dog shampoo towel can not only be used to clean and dry the dog after swimming and bathing, but also can be used to clean glass, wash the car, and dry hair.
  5. Easy to CleanOur machine washable dog towels for quick drying dogs can be washed in machine using mild detergents, then tumble dry on gentle cycle to always keep it clean and ready for your dog’s next grooming session.

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