SE-PG019 Gantoj de Pet Dog Grooming Pet Cat Hundo Banaj Gantoj

  • 1. CHANGED VERSION: With enhanced silicone grooming tips, imitas la tuŝon de via mano por mola kaj malstreĉa masaĝo; This flexible, slip-on grooming gloves allow you to brush away dirt and loose hair from cats and dogs.
  • 2. Skin-friendly: Free from any materials which could cause skin damage; Soft rubber ensure gentle massage and grooming without painful removing of fur or scratching the skin; One size fits all, ĝi havas alĝustigeblan rimenon por komforta taŭgeco.
  • 3. Hair Remover: Perfect for long, short and curly haired dogs, katoj, ĉevaloj, and other pets, grooming the hair quickly, milde kaj efike; The shedding hair sticks to the glove, making it easy to peel and throw hair away.
  • 4. Bath Brush: Bathe the pets with this glove, which will clean the pet hair easily and give your pets a gentle massage without hurting their skin; Five finger design allows you to groom hard-to-reach places like tail or face.

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Enketo: SE-PG019 Gantoj de Pet Dog Grooming Pet Cat Hundo Banaj Gantoj

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