Creative Design 2-in-1 katuaren tunel-ohea

The perfect combination of toy tunnels and cat beds

Partekatu argitalpen hau

  1. CREATIVE 2-in-1 DESIGN: — cat tunnel bed is a perfect combination of toy tunnel and cat bed, built-in sound paper and toys, Add more fun. Cat Tunnel is ideal for interactive activity. such as hide and seek. Mat also great for nap when they feel like rest.
  2. WARM AND COZY: — Cat Tunnel Bed Made by suede fabric, soft and durable, non-skid bottom.The cotton mat can be are detachable and easy to clean, and the exquisite site bed curtains satisfy the cat’s habit of hiding and increase the sense of security. With two scratching balls hanging on each end of the tunnel will attract your lovely cat’s attention and arouse curiosity.
  3. EASY FOR STORAGE: —This Cat Tunnel Bed is fully assembly, No assemble required. Cat tunnel could folds down in seconds to save space when not in use, eramateko erraza,Tunnel length: 126cm Tunnel diameter: 27cm Mat length: 55cm Weight: 2kg. Great for interactive activity Keep your pets moving and exercise.
  4. Durable Premium Construction: —The powerful spring steel frame is designed with a protective end then build in tear-resistant polyester wrapped,no worry about scratching and deformation safety for pets, cat tunnel tube is suitable for kittens, cats, rabbits and other small animals.

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