Detachable suction cup design Slow Feeder Pet Dog Bowls

Ordinary dog bowls become slow eaters in seconds

Partekatu argitalpen hau

Elementu honi buruz

  • 【Ordinary dog bowls become slow eaters in seconds】Just press to attach the slow feeder insert to the bottom of the dog bowl. The unique spiral blade and silicone nails design allows dogs to effectively slow down their eating; helping to reduce binge eating and reducing digestive disease in dogs.
  • 【Safe and healthy】The slow feeder insert is made of food-grade silicone, which is safe and soft. Unlike hard plastic, it will not damage your dog’s nose during eating.
  • 【Strongest suction cup base】The 36 small suction cups on the bottom of the slow feeder dog bowls are as strong as an octopus and hold it firmly in the bottom of the dog bowl without adding water.
  • 【Good practicality】Suitable for daily wet and dry food; best for dog bowls with a bottom diameter of 7-5.5(opening of 8.5-5.5 Inches) and can be cut to fit a minimum of 4.7dog bowls.
  • 【Easy to clean】No complicated and variable compartments, so dog slow feeder allows you to easily remove food residue whether by hand washing or machine washing.

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