Barruko pista mugikorreko katu-jostailu interaktiboa

Diseinu desmuntagarria den katu jostailu interaktiboa

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Interactive Cat Toy: It stimulates the cat’s senses and hunting instincts, which will increase their sensitivity without causing a chase for household furniture.

Make Sure to Keep Your Cat Entertained: This interactive cat toy is designed with 3 levels of tracks and 3 colorful moving balls to grab the cat’s attention, it’s an interactive scratching toy for one or more cats, will make cats happier and enhance friendship.

Safe and Durable: Made of abs environmentally friendly material, safe, non-toxic, odorless, wear-resistant, bite-resistant, tear-resistant, very durable.

Sturdy Construction and Anti-slip Bottom Mat: Durable plastic material and anti-slip pad keep track towers in place during strenuous exercise, effectively preventing kittens from moving toys while playing, while protecting the floor from scratches while kittens play.

Detachable Design: Multi-layer detachable toys, easy to clean and washable, it is necessary to let pets play with clean toys while keeping the house clean.

Warning:No toy is unbreakable. Do not place toys unattended. If it is damaged, please remove and replace the toy

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