Secure Comfort Fit Leun Leun Txakurren Muzzle Protect berria – Ziztadak eta nahi ez diren mastekatzeak modu seguruan saihesten ditu


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UpdatedEasy to Measure for Accurate Size – Simply follow the guide on Picture 3 to learn how to measure your new muzzle to get the right size for your dog. The adjustable strap makes it easy to get the best fit for your dog’s snout and mouth. Customer support is here to help with any sizing questions or issues.
Bonus Connection Strap for More Secure Fit – For dogs who need more time adjusting to their new muzzle, we’ve added a bonus connection strap that goes over their head for a secure fit that no dog can get out of.
Improved design to prevent biting, barking, and unwanted chewing – This muzzle is great for limiting your dog’s ability to bite, chew and bark while still allowing your dog to breathe, pant, and drink water. It’s a humane choice for preventing unwanted biting or chewing. See our images for examples.
Comfortable Neoprene Padding. Zero Chafing – Save your dog from painful chafing and rough straps. Most muzzles are painful and can rub your dog’s skin raw.
High Quality Sliders. No Cheap Buckles – The sliders ensure that your dog can’t loosen the straps while giving you more control over the exact fit. Plus, loose ends can be secured with a hook and loop fastener, unlike with buckles.

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