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New design pet electric claw grinder

Partekatu argitalpen hau

1.Safe & EffectiveConstructed with tough and durable sharping stone, which is safer and more effective than nail clippers to trim the nails of your pets, reducing the risk of clipping the claws too short or hurt pets. Ideal for shaping and smoothing claws to prevent scratching and snagging as well as removing length.

2.Easy to Carry-onSuper mini size, you can trim your petsnails anywhere without the pain caused by traditional nail clippers. No need to charge, just install 2 AA dry batteries. You and your pet can enjoy nail grooming time almost anywhere anytime.

3.Quiet and Easy to UseSuper quite design, effectively reduces noise when it works and avoids your pet fear. With On / Off switch, easy to use.

4.Perfect for Most PetsTrimming and shaping pet nails as well as smoothing rough nails on small, up to medium, dogs, cats, hamsterrak, kobaiak, rabbits and birds.

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