Kuuma myynti kestävää luonnon sisalimateriaalia Cat Scratching Post

Toys that protect furniture and allow cats to scratch

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  1. Minimal and space saving solution to your catsscratching needs, 2 strong natural sisal covered boards linked,Keeps cats away from furniture, curtains, sohva, wallpaper etc.
  2. The Cat Scratching Post was Made with durable Natural sisal and sofa fabric ;Protect your walls, door frames or other vertical furniture and save money by offering your cats a better alternative to dig their claws in. The Scratching Post is designed to appeal to your kitty’s natural instinctive need for scratching and stretching. Your kitty will love it!
  3. Flat, Inside Corner and Outside Corner. Helps to replenish cats claws and keep cat’s claws trimmed and keep cats entertained .Protect your walls, door frames or other vertical furniture.
  4. Length:19.5″ ;Wide: 9″, Thick:1″ to suit the needs of any piece of furniture you have and for maximum furniture protectionwhether it is a Corner, chair, sohva, recliner or love seat, This product will work for them all.

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