À quoi dois-je faire attention lorsque j'élève un chiot?

Voici les précautions à prendre pour l'alimentation des chiots

1、 Steps for Feeding Puppies

Before feeding puppies, it is necessary to prepare a dog food and water basin, as well as a comfortable and clean kennel, to provide sufficient food and water for the dog.

Follow dietary habits: The dietary habits of young dogs are different from those of adult dogs, and they need to follow the principle of eating fewer and more meals. They should be fed 3-5 times a day, and the amount of food should not be too much each time. The amount of feeding for a puppy should be calculated based on factors such as age, weight, and activity. Généralement, puppies need to feed 2% to 4% of their body weight every day.

Choose appropriate dog food: The digestive system of young dogs is not yet fully developed, so it is necessary to choose foods that are easy to digest and rich in nutrients. Common puppy foods include dog food, canned dog food, nutritional creams, etc. Choose dog food specifically designed for puppies to ensure they receive sufficient nutrition and energy. According to the age and weight of the dog, feed according to the instructions on the dog food packaging.

Observing the health status of dogs: During the process of feeding young dogs, it is necessary to closely observe their health status, including mental state, appetite, excretion, etc. If there are any abnormalities, consult the veterinarian in a timely manner.

2、 Precautions for feeding puppies and dogs

Do not feed dogs human food: Do not feed young dogs human food, especially foods containing sugar, salt, and high fat, to avoid affecting their health and development.

Maintain cleanliness and hygiene: During the process of feeding young dogs, it is necessary to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the dog’s food and water basins to avoid bacterial growth and infection.

Regular veterinary examination is necessary during the process of feeding young dogs to ensure their health and good development.

3、 Drinking water volume

Puppies need sufficient water intake and clean water to drink every day. If the puppy is unwilling to drink water, it is possible to add some food juices that the puppy likes to the water, such as fish soup, chicken soup, etc. But be careful not to drink too much milk or yogurt to the puppy, as it may cause diarrhea.

4、 Exercise volume

Puppies need sufficient exercise and can be taken for appropriate exercise, such as walking, en cours d'exécution, playing, etc. But be careful not to let the puppy exercise excessively to avoid causing physical burden.


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