Mar dèidhinn
● Welcome to Shine·E Pet
Ningbo Shine•E Pet Appliance Co., Ltd Chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 2010, suidhichte ann an Ningbo, Tha na prìomh thoraidhean againn air an toirt a-steach Luchd-giùlain & Geataichean & Dorsan & Feansaichean & Cèidsean, Craobhan Cat, Greasadh peata, Leapannan & Àirneis, N&B SPIORAD, dèideagan peata agus Peata Leashes & Coilearan & Acainn anns an fhactaraidh againn fhèin.
A-nis tha sinn seachad 200 luchd-obrach agus a 5000 sgìre meatairean ceàrnagach. Bidh an comas cinneasachaidh a’ ruighinn soithichean 30pcs 40 troigh gach mìos.
Air dòigh eile, bidh sinn cuideachd a’ dèanamh gnìomhachas malairt de gach seòrsa de thoraidhean peata eile a’ toirt a-steach coilearan peata & leashes, bruisean peata, luchd-biadhaidh pheata, dèideagan cat, goireasan bheathaichean beaga.
Faic ar Factaraidh
Faic ar Factaraidh
● In the Exhibition
● Meeting with Our Clients
● Na teisteanasan againn
● Our Global Cooperation
● Purchasing Steps
First, visit our website and then send us an inquiry by filling in the form. Our sales experts will quote the buyer after obtaining the purchase information. After both parties confirm all transaction details, we will send samples to the buyer. If the buyer is satisfied with the sample, we confirm the final order.
After the goods have been produced, the SHINE·E PET factory will be shipped to the country/region where the buyer is located.