Botal uisge cù so-ghiùlain peata, 12 OZ, Inneal-sgaoilidh uisge cuilean dearbhaidh aodion le inneal-beathachaidh òil airson peataichean coiseachd a-muigh, Coiseachd


Roinn am post seo

Mu dheidhinn a 'phìos seo

[Dath & Meud]: Cabhlach Gorm, 12 fl oz (350ml), bhiodh am meud seo freagarrach airson coin beaga is meadhanach, or if you just take your puppy for a short walk.

[Function]: Designed with silica gel seal ring which can prevent water leakage efficiently. One-key lock further make sure the water doesn’t leak. It’s LEAK-PROOF guaranteed. You can put it in your backpack without worrying about its leaking.

[Convenient to Carry]: Enough capacity and compact water bottle design is great for your pet dog or cat when outdoor walking, running, coiseachd, traveling or playing, etc. You can put it into backpack or hang on your hand with sling rope, very easy to carry to anywhere you want.

[Furasta a chleachdadh]: One-key Open / Lock water, One-hand operation, open the lock key, press water key to fill water, release to stop water, very easy to feed your dogs. Unused water can go back into the container easily by pressing the water key.

[Safe & Durable Materials]: Made of high quality material, LEAD-free, BPA-free, safe and durable, easy dismantling and cleaning. Enjoy the safe and funny outdoor act with your pet.

Tuilleadh ri rannsachadh

Ag iarraidh barrachd measgachadh toraidh, fuasglaidhean toraidh peata eadhon nas fheàrr?

Leig leinn loidhne agus cùm fios thugainn.

Faigh Quick Quote

Freagraidh sinn a-staigh 12 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leas “”.

Cuideachd, faodaidh tu a dhol dhan Duilleag Fios, a bheir seachad foirm nas mionaidiche, ma tha barrachd cheistean agad airson toraidhean no ma tha thu airson barrachd measgachadh toraidh peata fhaighinn.

Dìon Dàta

Gus gèilleadh ri laghan dìon dàta, bidh sinn ag iarraidh ort ath-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na prìomh phuingean anns a’ priob-uinneag. Gus leantainn air adhart a’ cleachdadh ar làrach-lìn, feumaidh tu briogadh air 'Gabh ris & Dùin'. Faodaidh tu barrachd a leughadh mun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn. Bidh sinn a’ clàradh d’ aonta agus faodaidh tu tarraing a-mach le bhith a’ dol chun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn agus a’ cliogadh air a’ widget.