Bogsa sgudail cat so-ghiùlain

Unidirectional design with drawer structure for easy cleaning.

Roinn am post seo

  1. PORTABLE & FOLDING: The cat litter box is folding and assembly, convenient installation. It has larger space when you unfold. You can carry it out for travel or store it when not in use.
  2. EASY TO CLEAN: Drawer structure and equipped with the matching cat litter scoop,the covered cat litter box is easy to shovel and exchange cat sand. The cat litter box with tray and scoop, only need to drag the tray out to clean it. The entire cat litter toilet can be completely disassembled, making it more convenient, safer and easier to clean.
  3. SPECIAL DESIGN: One-way design, front entry and top exit, the cat couldn’t come out from front door, but it can entry and come out from the top. Dust and odor prevention. If you can accept the design, buy it! Large-area hollow out sand pedal, 5mm sand filter hole, shake off the cat litter during the jumping, it can prevent the cat litter from splashing out.
  4. LARGE PRIVATE SPACE: Cat toilet with large internal space, which is convenient for cats to enter and exit and turn around, it has a lot of extra space for a 15lb cat.The enclosed structure protects cat’s privacy, which will make them feel safer and more comfortable, It reduces the odor emission in the house and keep the air fresh.
  5. ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIAL: Our product is made of PS and PP Eco-friendly material ,100% safe and non-toxic,it can applied to ensure the safety of pets.

Tuilleadh ri rannsachadh

Ag iarraidh barrachd measgachadh toraidh, fuasglaidhean toraidh peata eadhon nas fheàrr?

Leig leinn loidhne agus cùm fios thugainn.

Faigh Quick Quote

Freagraidh sinn a-staigh 12 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leas “”.

Cuideachd, faodaidh tu a dhol dhan Duilleag Fios, a bheir seachad foirm nas mionaidiche, ma tha barrachd cheistean agad airson toraidhean no ma tha thu airson barrachd measgachadh toraidh peata fhaighinn.

Dìon Dàta

Gus gèilleadh ri laghan dìon dàta, bidh sinn ag iarraidh ort ath-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na prìomh phuingean anns a’ priob-uinneag. Gus leantainn air adhart a’ cleachdadh ar làrach-lìn, feumaidh tu briogadh air 'Gabh ris & Dùin'. Faodaidh tu barrachd a leughadh mun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn. Bidh sinn a’ clàradh d’ aonta agus faodaidh tu tarraing a-mach le bhith a’ dol chun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn agus a’ cliogadh air a’ widget.