càileachd plush Luxury cat mòr sisal sreap craobh frèam

Taigh far am faod cait cluich agus fois a ghabhail

Roinn am post seo

[COMFORTABLE AND FUNNY]2 spacious hideaway houses with plenty of lounging room for your kitties to sleep; sisal scratching posts to deter cats from clawing up your furniture; 2 cozy hammocks, a extra large scratcing pad ,interactive jingly balls to play with, several layers layout for climbing up and down. This cat condo will be big enough for your large cat, fun enough for your little one.

[QUALITY IS RELIABLE] The multi level cat tower is composed of good quality plush material, which is very soft and comfortable, your furry family members will love the plush touch and enjoy exploring and sniffing around its new home; selected natural sisal rope, no scratching your furniture any more; made of compressed and glued cardboard, the high density supporting tubes can hold the platforms firmly without wobbling.

[ALL-IN-ONE RELAXING SPOT]Top perch with 2 thick padding at the bottom and rim makes a perfect napping lounge; ultra-soft plush gives the smoothest touch that your kitten will never get enough of, and raised edge of this perch allow your cat rest on its head while watching over the house.

[STABILITY IS ALWAYS PRIORITY] Anti-toppling fittings are included for double security; Constructed by CARB-certified natural particle boards and strengthened with battens at the bottom to ensure overall stability; Reinforced posts are wrapped with natural sisal rope to allow nail scratching and promote exercising; satisfying the instincts of your restless kitten.

[EASY TO ASSEMBLE AND NICE LOOKING]Its attractive look will compliment any room in your house like a piece of nice pet furniture rather than a jungle gym. All the hardware and tools are included

Tuilleadh ri rannsachadh

Ag iarraidh barrachd measgachadh toraidh, fuasglaidhean toraidh peata eadhon nas fheàrr?

Leig leinn loidhne agus cùm fios thugainn.

Faigh Quick Quote

Freagraidh sinn a-staigh 12 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leas “@shinee-pet.com”.

Cuideachd, faodaidh tu a dhol dhan Duilleag Fios, a bheir seachad foirm nas mionaidiche, ma tha barrachd cheistean agad airson toraidhean no ma tha thu airson barrachd measgachadh toraidh peata fhaighinn.

Dìon Dàta

Gus gèilleadh ri laghan dìon dàta, bidh sinn ag iarraidh ort ath-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na prìomh phuingean anns a’ priob-uinneag. Gus leantainn air adhart a’ cleachdadh ar làrach-lìn, feumaidh tu briogadh air 'Gabh ris & Dùin'. Faodaidh tu barrachd a leughadh mun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn. Bidh sinn a’ clàradh d’ aonta agus faodaidh tu tarraing a-mach le bhith a’ dol chun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn agus a’ cliogadh air a’ widget.