Multi ayyuka fun wuyar warwarewa Pet cat kare jinkirin abinci wasan yara

Kayan wasan yara na dabbobi waɗanda zasu iya haɓaka hankalin karnuka

Raba Wannan Post


  1. Multifunctional Feeding SuppliesThis is a multifunctional pet supplies. This is not only a tableware that can slow feeding, but also an educational pet toy that can improve dog’s intelligence.
  2. Fun Food Catapult DesignWhen dog gently presses the button on the top, numbers of dog’s food will be easily and randomly dropped out through the four leakage channels at the bottom of the to which will be dropped on the tower-shaped food slope, to be eaten by dogs. This function can slow down dog’s daily feeding speed and protect dog’s gastrointestinal health.
  3. Puzzle Toy FunctionDog is guided to tap the top of the product with its paw to get dog food or snacks, which is a reward for dog’s behavior. In the process, it can attract dogs interest, improve dog’s intelligence, and relieve dog’s daily anxiety when they need the company of owners.
  4. Emergency Feeding SuppliesIf the owner needs to go out for a while but still be worried about his dog cannot being feed on time, this product can be used as a temporary feeding supplies, to allow the dog to finish feeding when playing.
  5. Design of Anti-fallingThere are 4 non-slip rubber pads on the bottom. And each product comes with four suction cups that can be easily installed or removed. The suction cup can be fixed inside the corresponding card slot at the bottom, and the product can be absorbed to the ground, to prevent dogs from knocking it over in daily use.

Ƙari Don Bincika

Ana son ƙarin haɗin samfur, har ma mafi kyawun samfuran samfuran dabbobi?

Ku sauke mu layi kuma ku ci gaba da tuntuɓar mu.

Samun Magana Mai Sauri

Za mu amsa a ciki 12 hours, da fatan za a kula da imel tare da suffix "".

Hakanan, za ku iya zuwa wurin Shafin Tuntuɓi, wanda ke ba da ƙarin cikakken tsari, idan kuna da ƙarin tambayoyin samfura ko kuna son samun ƙarin cakuda samfuran dabbobi.

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