Gidan gado na nadawa na waje

Samar da gado mai laushi da taushi don karnuka su huta ko barci a kai

Raba Wannan Post

1.Elevated Pet Bed Dog Cot, you’ll be able to raise the bar of comfort for your pet, quite literally – Elevate your pet off the ground by good 7 inci, allowing it the luxury of a comfy & soft surface to rest or sleep on – Easy to assemble, dissemble & carry.

2.KEEP THE DISCOMFORT AWAY – Let your beloved pet stay off the cold, hard & uncomfortable ground/floor – This also keeps mites, insects, dust particles & problems that follow away from your pet – Semi-orthopedic pet bed for joints support.

3.STRONG, STURDY & DURABLE – We’ve ensured that this elevated pet bed uses nothing but durable & rugged materials – A strong steel frame supports the weight of your pet, while resilient nylon-like Oxford 600D fabric lets your pet rest comfortably off the ground – 48” x 36” surface spread.

4.LOW MAINTENANCE – Cleaning this pet bed is as easy as just brushing the dust off or vacuuming it all the way – You can also wash the fabric & the frame with regular cleaning soaps/disinfectants, garden hose, scrubber & allow it all to air dry.

Ƙari Don Bincika

goga na dabba
Labaran Kamfani

Pet aro

Game da wannan abun 【Multi-aiki mai yawa goge】:Wannan gogewar dabbobi yana da zanen shamfu, kuma ba wai kawai na iya samar da cikakkiyar wanke gashi mai sauri ba

Ana son ƙarin haɗin samfur, har ma mafi kyawun samfuran samfuran dabbobi?

Ku sauke mu layi kuma ku ci gaba da tuntuɓar mu.

Samun Magana Mai Sauri

Za mu amsa a ciki 12 hours, da fatan za a kula da imel tare da suffix "".

Hakanan, za ku iya zuwa wurin Shafin Tuntuɓi, wanda ke ba da ƙarin cikakken tsari, idan kuna da ƙarin tambayoyin samfura ko kuna son samun ƙarin cakuda samfuran dabbobi.

Kariyar bayanai

Domin bin dokokin kariyar bayanai, muna rokonka da ka sake duba mahimman abubuwan da ke cikin bugu. Don ci gaba da amfani da gidan yanar gizon mu, kana bukatar ka danna 'Accept & Rufe'. Kuna iya karanta ƙarin game da manufofin sirrinmu. Muna rubuta yarjejeniyar ku kuma zaku iya ficewa ta hanyar zuwa manufofin sirrinmu da danna widget din.