What’s going on with the dog trembling?


This may be the dog conveying its physical or emotional discomfort to us. As a owner, it is crucial to understand the reasons behind a dog’s trembling and trembling, as it is related to the health and happiness of the furry child.
Common causes of shivering and trembling
(1) Environmental factors
On cold days, it is most common for dogs to shiver and tremble. Dogs are homeothermic animals, and when the external temperature is too low, their bodies activate thecold keeping mechanism” – producing heat through muscle tremors to maintain body temperature stability. So, owners should take good measures to keep their dogs warm in cold weather.
(2) Emotional factors
Dogs have a rich and delicate inner world, and their bodies may tremble and tremble when their emotions fluctuate. When dogs are in unfamiliar environments, the unfamiliar smells around them can make them uneasy. They may hold their tails tightly to their owners and tremble slightly; Faced with dogs trembling due to emotions, owners should use gentle words and gentle caresses to soothe them, give them a sense of security, and let the dogs slowly calm down.
(3) Nutritional deficiency
Nutrients such as calcium and vitamins play a crucial role in the muscle and nerve function of dogs. Once lacking, it may cause tremors. Long term calcium deficiency in dogs can lead to increased muscle excitability, seizures, and tremors. Adjust diet in a timely manner, feed pet specific calcium tablets and vitamin supplements to dogs, and expose them to more sunlight to ensure balanced nutrition.
(4) Disease troubles
When a dog’s body is unwell and trembling, it is often awarning signal”. Canine distemper, a highly harmful infectious disease, invades the nervous system of dogs; If not treated in a timely manner, the consequences would be unimaginable. So, when a dog is trembling and accompanied by other abnormalities, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible, use professional examinations to identify the cause, and seek treatment as soon as possible.
There are various reasons why dogs tremble and tremble, ranging from daily environmental and emotional changes to potential nutritional deficiencies and disease risks, all of which can be revealed through this subtle manifestation. As a owner, it is important to observe your dog carefully in daily life, understand their habits, preferences, and needs. When your dog is trembling, you should calmly judge and respond appropriately, providing them with the most caring care.


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