Which fruits are definitely not allowed for dogs to eat in summer?

These fruits should never be given to dogs

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which is a healthy, green, and nutritious food for humans. Especially in summer, sweet fruits are delicious and can relieve heat. Of course, good food owners should share it with their dogs, but many fruit dogs cannot eat. These five types of fruits should never be given to dogs, as carelessness may kill them.

  1. Avocado fruit
    Many pet owners will find that some dog food contains avocado ingredients, but they think dogs can eat avocado, which is not the case. The avocado ingredients in dog food are actually unsaturated fat acids extracted from avocado, while dogs eating avocado are prone to vomiting and diarrhea, and even die of heart failure.
  2. Grapefruit
    After eating grapefruit, dogs not only experience vomiting, diarrhea, but also photophobia and depression. In severe cases, it can lead to poisoning, drooling, and rash in dogs. Why is grapefruit poisoning in dogs? The essential oils in the skin and seeds of grapefruit are toxic, and grapefruit also containspsoralen”, which, although harmless to humans, can be fatal to dogs.
  3. Cherries
    Cherries contain a large amount of mineral sodium and potassium, which can cause a serious burden on dogskidneys. After consumption, dogs may experience shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and even shock. したがって, do not give cherries to dogs.
  4. Pomegranate
    Pomegranate itself is relatively difficult to peel, and its seeds can cause indigestion, constipation, 嘔吐, and stomach pain in dogs. If dogs chew pomegranate seeds, it can even cause poisoning.
  5. Grapes
    Grape seeds also contain oils and polyphenols that dogs cannot metabolize. For dogs, they are toxins that can damage awkward kidneys. Some dogs have low resistance, and a single grape is enough to kill them.

Owners must pay timely attention to the abnormalities of the dog, especially the weak resistance of the dog. If the dog does not eat these fruits by mistake but experiences vomiting and diarrhea, pet owners should be careful of the parvovirus. If the dog gets parvovirus, it can also cause gastrointestinal damage, vomiting and diarrhea, and in severe cases, it may even pull out the intestinal mucosa. 現時点では, it is best to use pet Xiwenling for treatment. It is a traditional Chinese medicine ingredient that will no longer stimulate the dog’s stomach, It can effectively inhibit the spread of parvovirus and help dogs smoothly expel the virus. 加えて, if the family buys the above fruits, the owner must keep them well to prevent them from being eaten by others.




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