Grosir dispenser sikat mandi sampo pembersih dandan

Pet shower brush 2021-News
Bring good interaction for you and your dog or cat to massage her skin, mbusak bledug, loose and shed her hair.

Nuduhake Posting Iki

Hello, Everyone. I want to recommend our newest pet bath brush for you.

Premium Material: our pet dog bath brush comb is made of high-quality food-grade silicone, which has the advantage of being High-temperature proof, gampang kanggo ngresiki, lan cepet garing. Sikat siram karet silikon bisa nggawa interaksi sing apik kanggo sampeyan lan asu utawa kucing kanggo pijet kulite, mbusak bledug, loose and shed her hair.

Wide Application: Our Pet grooming shampoo brush is a safe professional quality for dogs, kucing, puppies, kittens, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs and other pets with normal or sensitive skin. It can be used not only for pets bathing but also for hair removal and massage, giving your pets a very comfortable bath.

Portable design: Lightweight design, Malah yen sampeyan isi wadhah karo sampo, sampeyan ora bakal aran meksa slightest, supaya sampeyan bisa luwih bantuan asu.

Easy to Use: Our pet shampoo dispenser adapts all kinds of liquid, also increases the effectiveness of shampoo lathering, which allows less product to go further, to achieve a deeper clean than shampooing alone. After having a comfortable bath for your dog, just open the cap on the top so that you can clean the brush easily and quickly.

Quick Dry and Save Space: A hang-hole design allows the multi-functional dog grooming brush to be easily hanged to dry after use, saving space. However, please pour out the excess water and show gel to avoid the soap leak out.

Massage Wash, Shampoo Dispenser Brush and Massage Wash, Our newly launched pet bathing suit perfectly solves your worries. Squeeze slightly and the shampoo can easily come out, then use the dog shower brush to scrub away dirt, attracting loose hair, dirt, and dander. Bring your dog a very comfortable bath and massage soothing effect The pet bath massage brush is suitable for Teddy terriers, Poodles, Pomeranians, Dovermen, Golden retrievers and short long-haired dogs and cats. Ideal gift for pet lovers-who will be sure to be impressed.

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