Kolam renang asu non-slip sing bisa dilipat

Kolam renang pet sing bisa dilipat lan portabel

Nuduhake Posting Iki

Large space is suitable for dogs of different sizes. This dog pool can be folded into a small size for easy storage or carrying.

Durable high * fiberboard: The dog swimming pool is made of durable PVC material, with a bottom thickness of 0.5 mm and an outer layer of 0.25 mm. Built-in thick high-strength fiberboard can keep water well and is not easy to break and fold.

Anti-leakage drain valve and anti-slip bottomSpecial * rubber baffle to avoid leakage due to loose drain valve. The thickened bottom can provide enough friction to prevent your pet from slipping, falling and falling.

Easy to use and clean: easy and fast installation without air inflation. The low position is equipped with a drain valve to help you drain easily. Easy to clean, just wipe with soft cloth and mild soap, and then rinse.

Widely used: not only for dogs, but also for cat pools, sandboxes, dog bathtubs, ball pools, outdoor swimming pools, fish pools, children’s amusement pools, lsp. Let your dog and child enjoy splashing in the water.

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