Pelatihan Potty Pad 3 Lapisan Rumput Buatan Puppy Pee Pad kanggo Anjing lan Kewan Cilik


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  • DOG GRASS PAD WITH TRAYThe washable artificial turf dog pee pad provides a sanitary place for your pet to relieve themselves inside or on your balcony or patio. It’s a reusable alternative to disposable dog training pads for small to medium-sized pets.
  • EASY PUPPY TRAININGPotty training your new best friend just got easier, even if you live in an apartment or work long hours. This dog grass pad helps avoid accidents while enforcing your pup’s training that they should go potty on grass.
  • THREE-LAYER SYSTEMThe artificial dog grass mat sits on top of a secure plastic drainage insert that allows liquid to empty into the durable collection puppy pad holder to avoid messes and spills.
  • EASY CLEAN-UPCleaning this reusable grass pad for dogs is quick and easy. Rinse the three layers of the dog potty tray with soapy water and clean-up is complete.
  • PRODUCT DETAILSMaterials: Synthetic Plastic (Grass Mat) and Hard Plastic (Tray and Insert). Dimensions: (L) 30” x (W) 20.

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