Scooper Pooper Asu sing Bisa Dilipat karo Spring Awet kanggo Suket lan Kerikil


Nuduhake Posting Iki

1.Environmentally Premium Materials
dog pooper scooper is made of sturdy and durable ABS, It‘s very Lightweight and has a non-stick surface that makes it easy to clean, that can withstand repeated use.
2.Comfortable Design
The 28-inch Pooper Scooper for large dogs allows most people to pick up the dog poop easily without bending over! A comfortable arched hand grip ensures scooping action with less strength.
3.Foldable Portable Design
Foldable pooper scooper can be simple and intuitive to use, with no complicated assembly or disassembly required. Making it easy to take with you when you’re out with your dog.
4.Multi-Purpose Pooper Scooper
The poop scooper is the best tool for cleaning dog poop, it also can be used for cleaning gravel, dirt or other rubbish in gardens, meadows and lawns.
5.It Snaps Tightly
The open part of the claw has a toothed design and the teeth are Closed and seamless for no waste leaks.

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