SE-PG009 Pet Rambut Catcher 2 Pack Pet Rambut Remover kanggo umbah-umbah

  • SUPERIOR QUALITY: Pet Hair Remover for Laundry is made of soft,sticky and elastic materials,which can easily obtain the hair of the dog and cat,and the hair,dust,debris attached to the clothes,so that the clothes can be thoroughly cleaned.
  • USE EASILY: It can be used directly to stick clothes and also be put into the washing machine.With the operation of the machine,the pet hair remover completely absorbs the hair on the clothes,making the washing more clean and the dirt will not block the drain.
  • MULTI FUNCTIONAL: Our pet hair remover for laundry helps remove clothes,bedding,coats,dresses,blankets,sheets and any other hair,lint,pet hair and other debris.
  • REUSABLE: Pet Hair Remover for Laundry is non-toxic,safe and fit for children’s wear.Easy to clean and also can save water,detergent and time.Rinse with water after use and dry in a cool place(avoid direct sunlight),keep it sticky.

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