SE-PG015 Pet Dog Shower Sprayer Bath Glove karo Shower Bath Tub

  • PET BATHING GLOVEThe valve regulates the flow of water and allows water to flow from the center of the palm.The length of the water pipe is 7.1 inci, which is enough for you to move freely while helping the pet to bathe. The 2 mm of the glove outlet effectively cleans the deep hair of the pet and makes the pet cleaner.
  • PET GROOMING GLOVEBefore taking a bath, you can also use the convex tooth on the glove to remove the floating hair from the pet and straighten the hair.So that there won’t be too much knotted hair when taking a shower with pet.
  • PROMOTE PET BLOOD CIRCULATIONThe glove has more than 12mm height of the convex teeth to give the pet a bath while also helping the pet’s body massage; promote the pet’s blood circulation.

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