여름에 강아지 열사병을 예방하는 방법?

개에게는 효과적인 열 완화 조치가 중요합니다.

Summer is scorching, and there is abarbecue seasonevery summer, and the outdoor temperature is constantly rising. The difficult summer every year has become the most concerning topic for people. As summer approaches, how can a dog wearing afur coatensure that it spends the summer safely?
The following measures may help your pet.

  1. Drink plenty of water: Be sure to give your dog plenty and clean water in summer. Adding some heat relieving water to the water that dogs usually drink can have a good effect on preventing heatstroke.
  2. Proper use of equipment such as electric fans and air conditioners: In summer, turning on air conditioners or fans is the most common method for dogs to avoid the heat, and the effect is also very good. But the temperature of the air conditioning needs to be adjusted above 28 ℃ to avoid dogs getting cold. Don’t let your dog stay in an air-conditioned environment for a long time to help prevent heatstroke and air conditioning diseases.
  3. Dog cooling pad: dog cooling pad, the dog lying on it, the gel placed in it can help volatilize internal heat.
  4. Feeding cool and heat relieving foods, such as pears and cabbage, can clear heat and eliminate heat, nourish yin and moisturize dryness, and have a good improvement effect on the problems caused by summer heat and dryness.
  5. You can shave your dog’s hair, which is the best way to help them dissipate heat because the dog’s hair is too thick. However, it is best to keep some shorter hair for the dog to prevent sunburn, mosquito bites, and scratches from similar types of play.
  6. When feeding dogs, do not give them foods with high salt content, as this can worsen their dehydration. Food should be replaced regularly to prevent spoilage, and if there are signs, it should be replaced without hesitation.


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