Refillable Catnip Electric Smart Ball Cat Toys

Can simulate animal sounds to make cats happier

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  1. Smart Ball Toys for Cats: Built-in sensitivity trigger, will make a simulated animal sound when the cat’s paw touching the toy lightly.It is easy to draw your cats attentions.Light weight,easy to carry for indoor and outdoor have a great fun when playing with your cats.
  2. Animal Sounds Simulations: The cat interactive toys were battery built in it,it can make 3 lifelike animal sounds as frog, cricket and bird chirping sound; the animal sounds occur when your cats touching scratching and hitting the balls, the natural animal sounds will make your cats very happy and excited when playing with them,its like them find a new friends around them,each ball inside battery can be used 10000 times sounds on lifetime.
  3. Refillable Catnip Toys: the lid of the chirping ball can be easily removed and then you can add some catnip in it, which will make your cats pay more attention to the balls; And the ball with catnip will give much fun playing experience to your cats.a pleasure toy set to keep company with your cats.
  4. Safety Cat Training Toys: These cat hunting toys are made of high quality and durable EVA, soft and safe for cats.brightly colored to make it easier to draw your cat’s attention,EVA ball is durable and not easy to bite broken by your cat.

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