SE-PG010 Déierebesëtzer Self Botzen Slicker Pinsel

  • The Perfect Pet BrushSelf Cleaning Slicker Brush gently removes loose fur, mats,easily grooming the undercoat without scratching your pet’s skin.Perfect for both large,medium,or small dogs and cats,from long to short coats with thick,wiry or curly hair.
  • Self Cleaning ButtonSimply click the button to extend the bristles,You can start grooming your dog ,cat, rabbits & more ,quickly and will see results within minutes. After you’re done,Then click the button again, withdrawing the bristles and the hair will wipe off instantly.
  • Safe & comfortableStainless steel teeth and a comfortable non slip designer grip handle ensures that every pet owner can enjoy that special bonding time you have while grooming your pets,which prevents hand and wrist strain no matter how long you brush your pet!

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Ufro: SE-PG010 Déierebesëtzer Self Botzen Slicker Pinsel

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