2023 Bologna International Pet Products Exhibition, Italy

We participated in this Italian pet exhibition

Zarao ity lahatsoratra ity

We participated in this Italian pet exhibition and welcome new and old customers to visit our company’s products. We provide OEM and ODM services. Our team is located in the southern business district of Ningbo and consists of design, sales, procurement, QC, and finance departments. Most employees have worked in the pet industry for many years, and their rich experience helps our customers effectively achieve their purchasing goals. We deeply cultivate supply chain management and help customers solve various problems encountered in the procurement process in China. Our initiative and intelligence in supply chain management make us more valuable than mere cost competition. The design department provides A2Z solutions related to product development, from scratch to prototype, or from existing to refurbished. We are always ready to welcome the most important one of you, giving us the opportunity to jointly create more business value.

The Bologna International Pet Equipment Exhibition in Italy was founded in 1985 and organized by Bolognafiere. It is held every two years and has been held for 18 times. In 2019, the exhibition area reached nearly 50000 square meters, with 757 companies from 45 countries exhibiting over 1400 brands, of which 67% were international exhibitors; It has attracted nearly 30000 buyers from 104 countries, with about 60% coming from Italy and about 40% from other countries. 97% of exhibitors are satisfied with the exhibition results, and for every European trade company, the Italian Pet Show is a must-have exhibition.

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Hamaly ato anatiny izahay 12 ORA, azafady mba tandremo ny mailaka misy tovana “@shinee-pet.com”.

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