2023 Mirimiri, te tango makawe me te horoi i nga karapu mokai e toru-i-kotahi
He kaiawhina pai mo te horoi i to mokai
He kaiawhina pai mo te horoi i to mokai
Collar specially designed to prevent pets from licking wounds.
Me pehea e whai tinana ora ai nga kuri
The quality of pet traction rope is very important for dogs and ourselves
How can we effectively prevent cats from scratching?
The display logo already carries the brand upgrading with the corresponding business.
Nau mai haere mai ki to matou tihokahoka! Ka kite koe i tera wiki i Interzoo Nuremberg 2022.
Bring good interaction for you and your dog or cat to massage her skin, tangohia te puehu, loose and shed her hair.
Tiaho·E Pet – Tiaki Mokai
Ka whakautu matou i roto 12 haora, kia aro mai ki te imeera me te kumara “@shinee-pet.com”.
Ano hoki, ka taea e koe te haere ki te Whārangi Whakapā, e whakarato ana i te puka taipitopito ake, Mena kei a koe etahi patai mo nga hua, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te tiki atu i te ranunga hua mokai.
Kia tutuki ai nga ture tiaki raraunga, ka tono matou ki a koe ki te arotake i nga kaupapa matua o te pakūake. Hei whakamahi tonu i to maatau paetukutuku, me panui koe 'Whakaae & Katia'. Ka taea e koe te panui atu mo to maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti. Ka tuhia e matou to whakaaetanga ka taea e koe te whakaputa ma te haere ki ta maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti me te paato i te widget.