New Product: Cat Carrot Scratcher

Cat Carrot Scratcher-News
Cat's Entertainment Place- Not only a cute cat scratcher but a contemporary designed small cat tree.

Энэ нийтлэлийг хуваалц

Cat’s Entertainment Place- Not only a cute cat scratcher but a contemporary designed small cat tree, which can alleviate cats’ stress, encourage their pure need for an excellent scratch, blend into almost any decors and provide the enjoyable aptitude to any room.

Natural Material- Durable construction: Mushroom, Carrot, Rooster and other-styled climbing scratching post for you to choose for your kitten and made from eco-friendly and durable sisal rope.

Innovative Design- Distinctive forms that can match into your private home decor simply like a piece of furniture. Ideal cat scratch post and scratch lounge for adults, small cats, and kittens.

Easy to Assemble-This cat post for indoor cats is sturdy, easy to assemble and a place for your cats to get pleasure from in minutes.

Worry-Free Warranty- Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this cat scratcher post.


A cat tree is an excellent way to keep your cat entertained indoors, especially if you happen to live in a modestly sized apartment. Your kitten could go running, jumping, clawing and tackling the tree and this cat scratching post would be standing up well to him. This kitten scratching post is very solidly built with a great design, which is sturdy enough for your extra fluffy cats to climb up and not get bored with. The size of this cat post is perfect for a larger cat to be comfortable. The bottom is for hiding in privacy, the center is for play, and the top is for stretching out and surveying his domain. You will not be sorry you purchased this item for your feline friends.

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