2023 NEW Pet Supplies Dog Bath Brush

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Multi-functional Pet Bath&Massage Brush

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1. Multi-functional Pet Bath&Massage Brush: The one-piece foam reservoir design can help you save a lot of time squeezing and diluting shower gel. Dilute the pet shampoo beforehand, then press the top to dispense blisters to your pet‘s fur coat while taking a shower. This is not only can save shower gel, but also make it easier to create more foam.

2. Convenient to Use: At the top of the bottom, you can open the small ring and pour shampoo and water. When in use, you can press the top silicone button to produce foam. will gently remove loose hair, dust and dirt. Dog Hair Brush with numerous soft nubs will ensure no-scratching massage without scratching your pet’s skin and dead fur while bathing.

3. Soft Silicone Dog Bath & Massage Brush: This cat & dog bath massage brush made of ABS +TPR, it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, additionally, the silicone brush bristle is very soft enough to not hurt your pets skin.the Pet Brush not only can provide a quick and thorough washing of your pets but also massage the skin to improve the blood circulation, giving your dog a very comfortable bath.

4. Wide Applications: Dog Washing Brush is perfect for long or short hair pet. The side of this bath brush has an anti-slip design which will help you control the force well and make your cat and dog feel comfortable.
5. Non-Slip & Easy Grip: New design and easy using. Perfect for long or short hair pets(dogs, cats, & small pets).

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