3 Heads Design Pet Dog Toothbrushes

Toothbrush specially designed for dogs to clean their mouth

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This toothbrush is specially designed for dogs to clean their mouth, which is convenient to use and effective in protecting tooth health

Abundant to Use and Replace: the package includes 5 pieces of dog toothbrushes in 5 different colors, which can make brushing teeth easier, more convenient and more efficient, and keep your pet’s mouth away from bad breath

3 Heads Design: the pet toothbrush is designed with 3 heads, which are flexible and reliable, can help you brush the food debris, dirt and tartar off your pet’s teeth and gums, shortening brushing time, and saving your effort

Soft Bristle: the cat toothbrush is suitable for different teeth, mouth shapes and oral structures, with soft bristles to effectively clean teeth in one stroke, without scratching or irritating, to make pets feel more comfortable

Comfortable to Hold: the handle of the cat toothbrush is made of quality rubber material, not easy to slide or fall off, comfortable to grab, convenient to control even when your pet is moving around

5 Colors to Choose: the doggy toothbrush is available in 5 main colors, including green, blue, purple, white, and orange, sufficient for most dogs, cats and other furry friends, simple to distinguish by colors

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