Skutella doppja tal-klieb tal-istainless steel għoli aġġustabbli

Food bowl suitable for large, medju, and small dogs.

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1.3 Adjustable Heights Ideal for All Life Stages: Elevated dog bowls for large dogs is well-designed with three different heights to grow with your dog from puppyhood to adult years.

2.Minimizing Neck and Joint Strain: The dog bowl stand promotes healthy digestion for your pets, help reduce bloating, and neck and joint pressure while feeding, practical for all four-legged friendsincluding small dog & cats, geriatric dogs, and pets with medical conditions such as arthritis. In addition, we also provide a slower feeder bowl, that can train your dogs to slow down their eating.

3.Anti-slip Design: The dog food stands for large dogs have rubber anti-skid pads at the ends of the legs making them stable and not moving around while eating, or spilling water while drinking. Besides, it prevents your pet from sliding bowls around and provides protection for your floors.

4.Easy to Clean and Durable: Our dog feeding station is made up of 2 stainless steel bowls and a stand feeder table. Stainless steel is the best material for pet food bowls as it is dishwasher safe, sanitary, rust-free, and durable. You just wash the dog bowl by hand or in the dishwasher and wipe down the surface of the plastic dog bowl stand.

5.Healthy Dining Experience: Our elevated dog bowls for dog food and dog water bowls provides a healthy feeding position that can help aid in digestion.

6.Faċli biex tinstalla & Removable: The 3 heights elevated dog food and water bowls station is easy to assemble without any tools, and also simply too removed and folded for clutter-free space storage when not used. It is a very user-friendly elevated dog bowl. If you have any problems with our dog food and water bowl, please contact us directly.

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