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An Easier, Better Way for your dog to communicate!!Dog Training Bells are one of the easy and non-confrontational solutions to toilet train family’s best friend,you can housebreak and teach them how to signal you when they have to gogo!!Using dog bells have is proven to be an easier,fun and a win-win way for your dog to communicate Instead of barking.
3 Simple Steps Training. Many of them have success on the very first day.With little to no training! Thousands of customers have had success training their dog to use Bells.Door Bells will help you make better commucations with pets come true!
This upgraded design provides you 3 level of length adjustments compared to common two length bells.This allows for easy adjustment of the length to the bottom of the door or wall based on the size of your dog or the height of your door.Small dogs,klieb medji,big dogs and large dogs all love excell with our dog bells!
Kbir,thick-walled jingle bells are made from durable metals. Tasteful design of silver coating of bells keep them shiny.And jingle sounds are easy on your ears from the playful dogs.Belt is custom made from heavy duty nylon material and tested thoroughly for its ruggedness.

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