Disinn ġdid splashproof komdu sħun tax-xitwa ilbies tal-klieb

Specially designed clothing for dogs in winter

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1.EXPERIENCED SIZE CHARTThe size chart is confirmed by years of size experience and fit for most dog breeds, please measure your dog`s exact chest girth, back length and leave 1-2 inch more.PLEASE NOTE:Please make sure to measure your dog’s size before purchasing.Your baby usually wears size S doesn’t mean all size S will fit him/her.If any of the measurements are between two sizes,please choose the larger size.

2.SPLASHPROOF,FLEXIBLE,COMFORTABLE & WARMOutside with nylon material, splashproof, windproof and snowproof, inside layer is polar fleece which touches soft and keeps warm well, especially good for outdoor walking and playing; With velcro beneath the chest and neck make it very easy to put on and take off, don’t have to lift dogs foot.

3.STYLISH & SAFE DESIGNDesigned with two light colors, looks attractive, reflective line along with the back stitching line is showy in dark environment, helps keep your dog safe during night walking;

4.MACHINE WASHABLE, EASY TO STOREYou can treat it as a common coat, just throw it into washing machine when it`s dirty, just store it like any other clothes.

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