Tooth Clean Rubber Pet kelb tomgħod ballun ġugarell

Toys that can improve dogs' intelligence and clean their teeth

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  • Rubber Material : the product is made by extra-tough rubber, good elasticity, bite-resistant and nontoxic,non-abrasive,safe for your sweet dog grinding and cleaning their teeth
  • Tooth Clean: tooth-shaped design, can effectively help clean their teeth and keep their gums healthy.
  • More Entertainment:which can be stuffed with pet snack. Your pets will accept this toy easily and get more surprise while playing. Best Dog Toys for Boredom.
  • Improving Intelligence and IQ Training: This dog toy can easy attract your pet’s attention, help petsintelligence improving, and is convenient to train dogs.
  • Best Gift for Pets:The toy ball is a perfect gift for your pet to fetch and play interact games with you.This dog chew toy can reduce the dog’s destructive behavior, protect the home shoes, socks, sheets, sofa are not afraid of dog bite.

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