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Solving the problem of dogs losing hair while riding in cars

Aqsam Din il-Post

1.Size and MaterialMaximum opening size (wisa ' 137.2 x length 138.2 cm) Dog car seat covers are suitable for different vehicles, such as standard cars, trucks, SUVs, including baby car seats. The heavy-duty material is made of 600D Oxford cloth and brand new PU material, which is as tough as nails, scratch resistant, and 100% ma jgħaddix ilma.

2.Upgraded DesignWith 2 Velcro openings, you can fasten your seat belt securely. This bench dog seat cover is used for the rear seat backrest and is designed with upgraded anti slip mesh, making it more durable and soft. The side flip cover and dog front flip cover cover keep the end of your car seat away from muddy claws, dirt, dog fur, and scratches. Our dog’s backseat cover is a unique stitching without any holes.

3.Visual Mesh Window and PocketOur pet seat cover has a mesh visual and breathable window in the middle. It helps your dog achieve better air circulation. Not only that, you and your beloved dog can see each other at any time, reducing their anxiety. An additional storage bag can store pet food and toys.

4.Anti slip safetyPVC anti slip soft rubber backing and seat anchors prevent the seat cover from sliding around, ensuring the safety of dogs. An additional dog seat belt can prevent your dog from jumping off the back seat, distracting the driver’s attention.

5.Easy to install and cleansimply buckle the belt buckle onto the car headrest, insert the seat anchor, and pull on the side cover. Longer service life, can be washed repeatedly. Machine washable: Use gentle mode.

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