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SE PB121 Foldable Foam Pet Steps (2)
Pet stairs specially designed for old and small pets

Aqsam Din il-Post

This is the pet staircase specially designed by our company for old and small pets.It mainly has the following characteristics:

1.NO MORE STRESS: Our pet stairs are the perfect accessory for helping your little pup or kitty reach that high bed or couch. The stairs for pets are available in 3-step (13.5″ high), 3-step Wide (16.5″), 4-step (19″), 4-step Wide(22″) and 5-step (22.5″) configurations to easily match your furniture’s height.

2.DESIGNED FOR STABILITY: A width of 15or 16and an anti-slip bottom makes these doggie stairs for small dogs very sturdy. Unlike wooden pet stairs for high beds that are rigid and slippery, our foam pet steps give your little furry friend great traction to climb up and down.

3.USA MADE FOAM: We’ve used the highest quality foam made in the USA to design these pet steps for small dogs. The premium foam makes the dog stool gentle on your pet’s delicate joints while ensuring maximum durability. Lightweight design of the portable pet steps allows you to easily move them from room to room.

4.SIMPLE TO MAINTAIN: The pet ramps for small dogs come with a removable cover that is machine washable. We also offer replacement covers for our dog steps and ramps to give you the freedom to switch up the look whenever you want.

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