- Roj hmab khoom : Qhov khoom yog ua los ntawm extra-tawv rubber, zoo elasticity, tom-resistant thiab nontoxic,tsis yog-abrasive,Kev ruaj ntseg rau koj tus aub qab zib grinding thiab ntxuav lawv cov hniav
- hniav huv: zoo li tus hniav, pab ntxuav lawv cov hniav thiab khaws lawv cov pos hniav kom zoo.
- Lom ze:uas yuav tau khoom nrog cov tsiaj snack. Koj cov tsiaj yuav txais qhov khoom ua si yooj yim thiab tau surprise ntau thaum uas ua si. Zoo dev Toys rau Boredom.
- Kev txhim kho txoj kev ntse thiab IQ kev kawm: Tus aub no yuav yooj yim nyiam koj tus tsiaj xim, pab tsiaj’ txoj kev ntse kev txhim kho, thiab yog convenient los qhia dev.
- Zoo tshaj plaws rau Pets:Cov khoom ua si yog ib tug zoo meej khoom plig rau koj tus tsiaj mus fetch thiab ua si sib tham nrog koj. Tus aub chew toy yuav txo tus aub destructive cwj pwm, tiv thaiv nkawm khau, thom khwm, ntawv, sofa yuav tsis ntshai dev tom.

Tuam txhab xov xwm
Dev Grooming txhuam, Pet Shampoo da dej Brush Soothing Massage Rubber Comb nrog adjustable nplhaib kov
About this item High-quality & Durable Dog Brush – This multi-functional dog grooming brush is made of premium quality soft TRP rubber material, that will