O tejto položke
Pet bed fits 18-inch long dog crates & works great as a stand-alone pet bed | Pet bed is ideal for “Tiny” dog breeds weighing up to 6 pounds | *Pet bed is not ideal for excessive chewers
TURN YOUR DOG’S CRATE INTO THEIR FOREVER HOME! | The elastic corner straps secure the pet bed to the crate pan to prevent sliding and bunch enticing your pet to use their crate.
Pet bed features ultra-soft synthetic fur & comfortable padded polyester bolster cushion around the perimeter for dogs to lay their head on
Ideal pet bed for folding metal dog crates, dog carriers, cat carriers & dog houses | This specific size fits a MidWest 18-inch iCrate dog crate
EASY MAINTENANCE PET BED | 100 % machine washable & dryer friendly w/ a 1- Year MIDWEST QUALITY GUARENTEE Manufacturer’s Warranty
Family Owned for Over 100 Years | Customer and product support provided from our headquarters in Indiana
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