Dog outdoor training equipment

How to make dogs have a healthy body

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Dogs need enough exercise every day to have a healthy body, so we designed this dog outdoor training equipment.

1.Competitive Dog Agility Training Equipment: Dog agility kits package includes: polyester fabric square pause box, puppy tunnel with ground stakes, adjustable dog agility jump hurdle with pole connectors, tire jump, weave poles, agility equipment carrying bags, and instruction sheet for your convenience.

2.The Perfect Dog Agility SetMade of PVC material, bezpečné a netoxické, Lightweight, durable that can be used for park, backyard. Perfect for dogs sharpens obedience, speed, dexterity, and dog quality of life; Use for casual play or introductory training.

3.Collapsible Dog Tunnel – 190T polyester material resists tearing and ripping during exercise and training. Each Dog Tunnel features a 24wide opening that accommodates dogs and puppies of all sizes. The 70length will increase playability. Cloth grommets are conveniently located on each side of the tunnel making it easy to secure the tunnel to the ground with the included metal stakes.

4.Easy Setup and StorageSetting up this dog agility course for your dog is quick and easy! It comes with a carrying bags that make it easy to carry and store. Portable bags have carrying handles so you can easily pack and transport the equipment from the park to the big stage.

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