Odnímateľný na čistenie PP Materiál Netoxický 3 v 1 Miska pre mačky

3-in-1 automatic water bowl and feeding bowl set

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  1. 3 v 1 cat bowl: 3-in-1 automatic water bowl and feeding bowl set, two plastic cat and dog food bowls can hold dry cat and dog food and wet cat and dog food respectively, and the water bowl with splash cover can prevent wet mouth.
  2. Safe material: Cat water and food bowl made of food grade PP material, non-toxic, harmless, safe and reliable. Pets will not cause any harm during eating.
  3. Automatic water refill: Siphon principle, automatic water supply, 17 ounces capacity is enough for your pet to drink for 3-5 dní. The sink separator is reduced by wetting the pet’s hair when drinking water, and it can also keep the water clean.
  4. 15° tilt design: The range of inclination of cat food distribution is 0-15°, which reduces the pressure on the vertebrae when pets eat. Adjust the cat bowl to an appropriate angle to give pets a more comfortable eating experience!
  5. Removable for cleaning: Humanized separation design, detachable parts, simple structure, no clean dead corners. You can remove the two transparent bowls and the splash-proof cover for cleaning to ensure the cleanliness of the water bowl.

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