Aké veci sa psom robiť nedajú?

  1. Don’t shout or scare your dog loudly
    When you suddenly raise your voice, howl at the dog, or intentionally make some scary movements. When a dog sees your fierce appearance and hears your deafening roar, it will definitely be startled. They may emit a mournful cry out of fear, or try to escape and find a safe place to hide.
  2. Don’t pull the dog’s tail randomly
    The tail of a dog is also one of its sensitive parts, so no matter how good your relationship with your dog is, don’t pull its tail. Otherwise, the dog will bite you!
  3. Do not take your dog’s food while it is eating
    When a dog is engrossed in gnawing on a bone or enjoying delicious dog food, don’t suddenly reach out and snatch its food. Dogs will instantly become alert at this moment, their eyes may be tightly fixed on your hands, and their mouths may emit a low growl ofwuwu”, showing obvious protective behavior towards food. It may even jump up to try to retrieve food or attack you, even though it may be gentle on a regular basis.
  4. Don’t randomly pat the dog’s head
    Will slapping a dog’s head randomly make it feel like it’s provoking? If you do it too often, the dog will feel that you are bullying it, or even provoking it.
    By then, the dog may no longer be close to you and may even develop hostility towards you.
  5. Don’t easily punish dogs with physical abuse or scolding
    Dogs are sometimes like children, they can be mischievous and make mistakes. But we cannot punish it with physical abuse just because it made a mistake. This approach not only scares the dog, but also makes it resistant to you. So, we need to educate and guide dogs in the right way, such as training them, rewarding them, a tak ďalej.
  6. Don’t disturb your dog while it’s sleeping
    Dogs also need to rest, so we need to know not to disturb them while they are sleeping. Otherwise, the dog would be angry! It will feel that you always disturb its sleep, and its mind will have resistance towards you.


Ďalšie príspevky


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