Why do dogs shake their fur?


After raising dogs for a long time, we have more or less seen dogsfur shaking. What is the meaning behind this? It actually wants to tell you these 6 things!

  1. Dogs get too much water on their bodies
    When a dog has just finished taking a bath, both long haired and short haired dogs will experience shaking of their fur. They do this because they dry the excess water on their body, and their shaking speed is faster than when you use a dryer! It’s really amazing!
  2. There is dirt on the body
    Most dogs are very clean and pay close attention to their appearance. When a dog rolls on the ground, grass, or for some other reason, causing dust and other dirt to accumulate on its fur, if it can’t handle it, it will remind its owner to take a bath by shaking its fur.
  3. I’m tired from sleeping, take a break
    If pet owners observe carefully, they will find that their dogs will shake their fur and stretch their limbs after waking up. Long term sleep can make the dog’s body a bit stiff, so they will use this method to relax and stretch themselves.
    4.Dogs are so nervous and anxious
    Shaking fur is also a part of a dog’s body language. When dogs are under too much pressure or face unexpected events, they can feel the pressure and relieve their emotions by shaking their fur. Shaking hair can make it easier and temporarily escape from this awkward atmosphere. It is also a sign of the dog seeking help from its owner, and it is best for the owner to comfort the dog more at this time.
  4. Dogs are too boring
    Dogs are animals that need their owners to accompany them. If the owner does not accompany the dog for a long time, they will shake their fur due to loneliness, boredom, or a desire to attract the owner’s attention. They need to attract their owner’s attention by shaking their fur, hoping that the owner can interact with them.
  5. There are bugs on my body
    When a dog has finished playing in the grass and suddenly shakes its fur frequently, the owner needs to be extra careful. It may be due to accidentally getting into parasites, causing itchy skin, so shaking the fur can only be used to relieve it. It may also be because the dog has been infected with parasites, causing discomfort and shaking the fur. So owners must pay attention to deworming their dogs both inside and outside the body. After driving away the worms, there may be diarrhea and vomiting. If the situation is severe, the owner needs to take it to the hospital for examination


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