Chibereko Pet katsi imbwa hengechefu yekushongedza katatu sikavha tauro remate

The fruit dog handkerchief is very suitable for taking photos

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  1. Proper size: each summer fruit dog bandanas measures approx. 26 x 18 x 18 inches/ 65 x 45 x 45 cm, suitable for small and big pets, please measure the size of your dog and leave room to tie the knot before placing an order.
  2. Soft material: made of polyester, the fruit print pet bandanas are durable to use and soft to wear, do no harm to your dogs and keep your dog’s neck clean after it drinks or eats, ideal accessories for your pets and ideal for indoor and outdoor use in summer.
  3. Assorted patterns: available in many different patterns and colors of dog bandanas, such as fruits, leaves and other vigorous summer elements, cute and lovely, stylish and chic, you can choose the colors that your pets like or can fit the color of your pet’s fur, fresh style is suitable for your lovely pet’s summer decoration.
  4. Multiple applications: fruit dog bandanas is ideal for everyday wear, photo shot, parties, weddings or meeting your pet decoration needs, look trendy and cute on every occasion.

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